Christmas at the Coles passed with lots of presents and fun. We started with a waffle breakfast, pretty much the one we have every Saturday where the girls help dad make waffles and sausage. They we had our family worship time, which we do after every meal together at home, remembering that Christ is center of ALL.
Of course present opening time followed. We love seeing our kids enjoying their gifts, the ones we gave and the wonderful presents from family. Matthew got his bigger bike, here the girls are in the princess costumes that uncle Andrew sent, they are perfect.
We had to have a break from present opening at one point, so we went for a family walk. After watching some of the Sound of Music DVD, which we bought for Lily (the girl loves musicals), while Mark cooked a roast and garlic mashed potatoes, we went to our friends house for dinner. Three familes were there and we had turkey, ham and roast... no veggies here! It was as wonderful time.