We went into the Natual Science Museum today to see the IMAX show on Greece and then the Rome exhibit. Rome was OK, but they mainly had busts and household artifacts, no swords or shields. Luckily they had some live Roman re-enactors in the lobby with stuff to share and great costumes.

We went to the ground floor in the exhibit hall where there are lots of hands on science things.
Here Laura is experiencing clouds.

Then we walked over to my favorite place in all of Houston - the train.

e use to live 5 minutes from the zoo area and if we had nothing going on I would read whatever kid's train themed books I had and then grab a snack and take the kids over there and ride the train. I did this even when Matthew was my only child!The ride is not too long, but somehow I always feel happy on it. No matter how hot it is the breeze is lovely and I feel like I am really being a good Mommy, like this is what being a mom of little people is all about, I can't really explain it. Anyhow, today I had 4 kids on the train and my wonderful husband. I was a happy mommy.