My Sunday morning: Lily heavy in my arms. Together - swaying to the music. Matthew’s hand on my shoulder, mouthing the words of the songs. Lily playing with my hair. Sweet like warm honey. My babies. Together. With me. Soaking in the music.
We are at church.
They call us ‘family integrated’.
When I first heard of this model I balked – what, keep my squirmy babies quiet for 2 hours? I won’t get anything out of church. I need to listen. What about me?
With conviction we forged ahead and joined GCC. There was a learning curve for my kids. They were used to going to the church nursery at our old church where they played and watched Veggie Tale videos and colored. When we first attended GCC I packed coloring books, snacks and toys to distract my kids, marveling at the quiet personalities of the other kids who appeared to be paying attention to the service.
Now, my kids are those kids. They have learned to quiet their ids for church. They sing, they listen, they absorb.
It is the sweetest time of our week.