On Memorial Day weekend Mark arranged last minute for us to go and stay at a B&B. It was an adorable house called the Homestead House. A man moved from Houston and renovated 2 properties on a few acres in Burton, Tx which is 12 miles or so south of Round Top and SW of Brenham. It was a wonderful get away and the kids surprisingly loved it. They were into all the little Americana knicknacks. The gardens between the houses were lovely. We spend some time in the house, then went to Round Top for dinner at Royers. After dinner we played at a local park and then we went home to do some reading in the log cabin reading room! We were served a wonderful breakfast in the owners house of fruit, cheese, granola, bacon, pancakes, eggs, meats and juices. We even made it home on Monday in time to go to a GCC party at Pastor Dan's house, which was fun fun fun. The kids were understandingly a little rough on Tuesday!