Heaven would make sense if every day looked like today. It was in the 60's, the sun was shining and we had no where particular to go. I worked on a art piece for my book while Annie painted on wood beside me, Mark & Matthew went to Karate and the girls were playing outside with the Clark boys. The back door was open, the kitchen clean and it was fresh and sunny, lovely.
After Mark and Matthew got home they got to work on the 'path', the others joined in. We are carving out a sculpture walk in our forest, inspired by the same in Dublin. Our plan is to make the path and then invite church friends to create family sculptures to display along the path in next years art festival.
By the time I made it out they had moved tons of rocks to line the initial part of the path. I got the rake and spent the rest of the day along side Mark and the kids marking out the path. We wound it around the back part of the forest with a big loop, perfect for playing chasing on. Kids running, laughing, helping, enjoying. Laura wore many different costumes, Annie cared for dolls, Lily trampled down that path with her best buddy Edward, Mr. T axed limbs out the the path and Matthew trimmed plants and built a log wall with Mark.
When they got tired and wandered off to play other places I got my iPod and filled up my mind with art and ideas as I raked. We made good progress, our path is taking shape. I can so envision adding sculptures to the path.
Mark made steak for dinner, lit a fire and we watched a family movie. Then the kids played in their rooms while Mark and I watched the movie 'Hulk', which I enjoyed until the big fight scenes at the end, but I was processing photos the whole time so the time was not lost!
We had brownies and ice cream for desert, bundled up in our warm living room.
I love my family. I love my home. I love my husband. I love my art. I love my life. Thank you God for all my blessings.