Mark and I will have been married 10 years on May 12. I think of someone married for 10 years as old... but I think of me as young. I still feel 19 (for the longest I felt 15, so at least I am growing up a little).
Mark has arranged a wonderful 2 days for us to celebrate. We are going to Houston to stay at the Four Seasons! We will be dining out and attending a show at the Alley Thursday and then the Opera on Friday. On Friday day we are going to do the things in Houston we love to do - visit the art museum, sit in a coffee shop or two, perhaps go to a movie. And of course we will eat out. I am so impressed that Mark arranged this all for us. He is not a detail guy. This is the perfect way for us to celebrate 'us' - being in the city we love, doing city things.
And we will be home in the Texas country for a weekend with kids that will be glad to have us back.
(Matthew and Lily both protested at our plans... but I know they will have fun with the rotation of people from our church coming to stay with them day and night.)
I want to be on record: I love being married to Mark Cole.