I was skeptical, a birthday party with only immediate family members! Would that be fun? Could we pad out that day, or would it be over in 20 minutes?
But she was insistent. Someone had blown her candles out at her large 2nd birthday party and that was not going to happen this year. She invited only brother, sister, mommy and daddy (if we had any relatives in town, they would have made the cut).
So I diligently planned a princess party for Lily’s 3rd birthday. (What is it with Disney princess? You can get princess outfits, phones, purses, lipstick, candles, stickers, books of every kind – hard, soft, thin, thick – all pink of course. Cinderella is her favorite, Snow White, mine, there is Belle, Arial & Aurora. What are our little pink princesses learning about in this devotion to Disney princess? love, beauty, the kiss, the gown, dancing. Is this good?)
The party turned out to be such a joy. We were able to go at our own pace. For the first time at a birthday party I hosted I concentrated on the birthday person! There was no one else to visit with, or direct to the bathroom, or cater for or worry about. This was truly all about Lily.
Mark took Lily out for breakfast and to pick up the piñata & dog food I forgot. I got the party ready, Laura strapped to my back, Matthew, helper boy on full alert. We did white table cloths, silver candles, tea pot, mother-in-law China, cream bowls, heart shaped sandwiches, platters of chips and strawberries. We decorated the cake, covered every inch of that thing with white chocolate drops, meringues, pink writing icing, mini marshmallows. All yummy and pastel.
Mark and Lily came home and hid in her room. When I had put the ice float in the lemonade I called them in. They came out and to my surprise Lily was in her best princess dress & crown, Mark in a tux! She looked so pleased with herself. They looked so proud and beautiful, not caring that they had an audience of only 3.
The party began! We played 2 rounds of ‘pass the parcel’ (of course my kids won a prize each). Then we opened presents. Present opening in the Cole house is a long process. Matthew delivers the gift and then we all 'oh and ah' and take a break to try on/open/play/read the gift. The princess theme was well played at this party – another princess outfit, tu tu, books, stickers, purse, teapot with tea set.
After the lovely lunch we played/drew/danced in the living room, while daddy took a nap broken by demonstrations by Matthew of his drawing made in Lily’s new blank painting pad with Lily’s new artist’s set.
Next came the craft. We painted on wooden hearts that will be glued on the keeping box I painted for Lily. There the 4 of us were (little Laura napping), together, painting in honor Lily. Happiness personified.
What a thrill we had in whacking the piñata. My kids got as many turns as they wished. They scrambled around picking up candy and stuffing it in the paper bags as if they were competing with 12 other kids.
So 4 hours after it began, I can say I am truly glad that that child blew out Lily’s candles last year. I will never again underestimate the fun of family.