Thursday, March 24, 2005

Spring Break, Part 1

The beautiful Texas Spring weather woke all Houston mothers with kids off for Spring Break up with the same idea: ‘let’s go to the zoo today!’

We drove the hour to Houston only to find we couldn’t get in the zoo parking lot. No problem. This is my old area, I know it by heart. We drove so easily through the 'tunnel of trees' that is the museum district. This prompted us to share many memories of our old house and life.

We went to the Village and found a parking space right next to Jamba Juice. Our old treat. Matthew and I got a temporally off menu item – Strawberry Tsunami, Lily - Strawberry Wild. They even made a little drink for Laura. She LOVED it. Drinking from a straw. She cried when I took it from her in the bead store. She cried even harder when I took mine from her in the 5 & dime store!

We went to our old park, I feel as if I have never been away. Even Matthew was able to recite happenings at the birthday party he attended there last year. Of course I saw someone I knew: a househusband who use to be president of the West U Newcomers Club when I was newsletter editor. We chatted about our kid's education and new houses.

After our breezy picnic we went back to the zoo, this time we got a parking space. We went to feed the ducks and ride the train. I love that train. It is all of 10 minutes, but I love the cool air, the view of the park, the bridge, the rumble, the realness of it. We see people wave and we wave back. We talk about the colors, the shapes, the families picnicking, the water. After the ride we sat on a bench and took turns sketching the stationary trains. This is the kind of parenting I like. Talking, looking, experiencing, living. It reminds me of my childhood vacations and weekends – doing touristy things, going places of interest and beauty and history with my parents.

I want my kids to remember these things.

(We didn't go into the zoo, decided to go on a playdate/visit instead). After a few hour visit with my fellow homeschooler & crafty/creative bud we got on the road to come home. Matthew and Lily were last heard saying they wanted to go somewhere else in Houston before we drove home. By the time we hit the HOV they were conked. I had a quiet drive home accompanied by talk radio…

….That poor Schiavo family . God help Terri’s parents. The pain of watching their baby dehydrate to death, unable to help. It puts things in perspective.

I served dinner with a little more joy tonight.