It is nice to have somewhere to go in the morning, a deadline that ensures we get washed and dressed. One of my mommy deadlines has been storytime at that library. Every library has one, we have regularly attended 3 local libraries in our time. They all have been pretty much the same format: an oldish lady reads 4-5 books on a theme, while the little ones squirm and listen. Then there is a related gluing/coloring craft. The kids love it and make friends with the regular attendees.
I have lived in middle, lower middle and high income areas and tried their libraries. The difference: the care givers of the kids. Here is my unscientific observation:
In the high income library the ‘care givers’ are 80% nannies.
In the middle income library it’s 40% nannies.
In the lower income library it’s only about 20% nannies and they are usually the kid’s granny.
Make of that what you will.