Tuesday, March 01, 2005

A note from Matthew

Sabrina is my Spanish teacher. I love Spanish. She is the best Spanish teacher in the world. I love doing prints, we did flowers today. Lily loves doing puzzles and kind of messes up on her preschool workbook. I love doing my first grade workbook, I got it for Christmas. I loved all of my Christmas presents. I hope Lily liked her presents too. I think Lily liked her birthday party best of all. She liked her PiƱata best of all. Field Day is on April 2nd. This is the best home of all. I love my room, it is filled with balls and stars. I am 4, my birthday is on September 14. I am going to have a Power Ranger birthday. All my friends are going to come, the Frye boys, the Robinsons, the Sears, the Lichnovskys, the Seagos, the Davis', the McBees, the Bauchams, the Bullens and the Coles. Everyone has to wear a Power Ranger costume, except the girls. But no helmets in the party, they'd be scary. love matthew